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Fenland and East Cambridge County Council

There was a need to provide ‘curriculum days’ for schools in these areas, enabling them to release their staff to attend training while the school remains open, and pupils remain engaged in learning.


In January 2017, Fenland and East Cambridgeshire was designated as one of 12 Opportunity Areas by the Department for Education (DfE). This was in response to findings in the 2016 Social Mobility Index that showed that Fenland and East Cambridgeshire are ‘cold spots’ for social mobility. Opportunity Area programme required school staff to take time out of the classroom to attend training. There was therefore a need to provide ‘curriculum days’ for these schools, enabling them to release their staff to attend training while the school remains open, and pupils remain engaged in learning.


We produced 4 key offers - a Big Bang @ School Day, a Destination Rail Day, an Enterprise Day, and a Motivation/Aspiration Day - which schools could choose from based on their needs and their number of students. The full team led curriculum days came with trained staff, equipment and resources, work booklets and worksheets and timetable planning throughout all planned days.



Learn by Design are proud to build on these collaborate relationships. By supporting the ongoing government funded opportunity area initiatives, communities thrive, and social mobility is highlighted.

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For Murray Park to work towards achieving the Gatsby Benchmarks, Learn by Design has helped enrich and add value to our Careers programme to ensure that ALL students across ALL year groups can take part in meaningful encounters with local STEAM employers and activities.

Tim Taylor Aspirations Careers Employability (ACE) Coordinator - Murray Park School

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